Rabu, 28 Mei 2008

Linksys WRT54GL with DDWRT Firmware

By default Linksys WRT54GL with original firmware it's only could the operated in AP node, so it could not play a role as station or client, but when it was upgraded firmware with DDWRT (www.dd-wrt.com), there the Linksys intensity began to be felt, it went up a class from the economic class to the premium class, firmware made by Germans, Sebastian Gottschall a.k.a BrainSlayer, it was thought could increase the achievement of access point. Feature from Firmware was based on Linux this in part:

# 802.1x Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP)
# Access Restrictions
# Ad Hoc
# Afterburner
# Client Isolation Mode
# Client Mode (supports multiple connected clients)
# DHCP Forwarder (udhcp)
# DHCP Server (udhcp or Dnsmasq)
# DNS Forwarder (Dnsmasq)
# Dynamic DNS (DynDNS, easyDNS, FreeDNS, No-IP, TZO,
ZoneEdit, custom, and others)
# Hotspot Portal (Sputnik Agent ,Chillispot)
# IPv6
# MMC/SD Card Support (hardware modification required)
# ntop Remote Statistic (ntop)
# OpenVPN Client & Server (only in -vpn build of the firmware)
# Port Triggering[Photo]
# Port Fowarding
# PPTP VPN Server & Client
# QoS Bandwidth Management
# QoS L7 Packet Classifier (l7-filter)
# RFlow
# Routing (BIRD)
# Samba FS Automount
# Syslog
# Rx Antenna
# Tx Antenna
# Show Status of Wireless Clients and WDS with System
Uptime/Processor Utilization
# Site Survey
# SSH server & client (dropbear)
# Startup, Firewall, and Shutdown scripts (startup script)
# Static DHCP
# Style (Changeable GUI; v.23)
# Supports New Devices (WRT54G V3, V3.1, V4, V5 and WRT54GS
V2.1, V3, V4)
# Telnet server & client
# Transmit Power Adjustment (0-251mW, default is 28mW, 100mW is
# UPnP
# WOL (Wake On Lan) (WOL)
# WDS Connection Watchdog
# WDS Repeater Mode
# Wireless MAC Address Cloning
# Wireless MAC Filter
# WMM (Wi-Fi MultiMedia)
# WPA over WDS
# WPA2
Had a basis the writer's experience, this type of Linksys access point (AP) that was suitable to be upgraded to DDWRT, was Linksys WRT54GL, apart from AP type this, the possibility of failing update very big, so should not attempt you upgraded firmware without knowledge and the experience.
To upgrade DDWRT firmware, the first step download beforehand firmware dwrt in it's site: www.dd-wrt.com, chose his version in accordance with your wish, better be chosen by you the mini version beforehand, for the sake of your Linksys security equipment, after in download to your computer, you entered to web the configuration of Linksys WRT54GL, you entered the part administration, then chose the column upgraded firmware, did upgraded, remembered for the process upgraded firware, lest the electricity connection was killed or went out, as a result if happening thus will damage your Linksys, after having the message upgraded Successfull, was carried out by you the process of the ReSet, so that stabler, afterwards after resetted, did upgraded repeated with used firmware that standart, remembered once more after the process upgraded was finished or was successful, did the ReSet for two times. Was like this the process scenario upgraded firmware DDWRT, in other the article will be discussed by us several feature DDWRT.

Rabu, 21 Mei 2008

Wireless Command Lines in Linux

In the opportunity this time we discussed various orders setting wireless in Linux, but not all card or PCMCIA support with orders below this:
For connecting to wireless LAN that Open or Secured by WEP (DHCP)
# iwconfig [interface] mode managed key [WEP key]
-> change interface by the name of interface you who still are active at this time, the example ath0, wlan0 or eth1. ->WEP key, put words WEP, 10 carakter hexadecimal to 64 bit and 26 carakter to 128 bit.
# iwconfig essid ESSID ->Specification SSID from some of WLAN

# dhclient [interface] -> to get IP address, netmask, DNS server and default gateway from access poin for connecting to wireless LAN that Open or Secured by WEP (IP the Manual/Static)
# iwconfig [interface] mode managed key [WEP key]
# iwconfig essid [ESSID]
# route add default gw [IP of default gateway] -> put Ip Address gateway
# echo nameserver [IP address of DNS server] > > /etc/resolve.conf, configure AP ->configure your DNS server
# ping www.detik.com ->ping to the internet for the test connection
# iwconfig [interface] mode master ->Make the PCMCIA card in mode access point
# iwconfig [interface] mode managed -> made your PCMCIA card in mode client in the network of wifi infrastructure
# iwconfig [interface] mode ad-hoc ->to set your card as the member in the network wifi ad hoc without access point # # iwconfig [interface] mode the monitor ->to set your card in mode monitor
# iwconfig [interface] "essid your ssid here" ->to configure your network ssid.
# iwconfig [interface] key 1111-1111-1111-1111 (skinned the key to WEP 128bit)
# iwconfig [interface] key 11111111 (skinned the WEP key 65 bit)
# iwconfig [interface] key off (deactivated the WEP key)
# iwconfig [interface] key open (set as open mode, was not needed autentication)
# iwconfig [interface] channel [channel no.] (set one channel 1-14)
# iwconfig [interface] channel the car (chose channel automatic)
# iwconfig [interface] freq 2.422G (menset channel in GHz)

# iwconfig [interface] AP 11:11:11:11:11:11 (forced the card to register to the AP address)
# iwconfig [interface] rate 11M (the card will use the certain speed)
# iwconfig [interface] rate auto (chose the automatic speed)
# iwconfig [interface] rate auto 5.5M (the card will use the certain speed and the speed beneath it if indeed was needed)
Command ifconfig
# ifconfig [interface] up (activated the network card)
# ifconfig [interface] down (deactivated the network card)
# ifconfig [interface] [IP address] netmask [sub-net-mask] (set IP address and the sub-net mask scr the manual)
# ifconfig [interface] hw ether [MAC] (change MAC address of the PCMCIA card in the format 11:11:11:11:11:11)

Senin, 19 Mei 2008

How to Secure Your Hotspot

The Wifi era was begun, got again bright the development wifi in Indonesia since being released by him the frequency 2.4Ghz his use by the government, so various networks wifi/hotspot began to be widespread in cities in our homeland, but this development was marked concerned by the owners hotspot, frightened of being unaware here!! , his question was how pacified or minimised resiko the security from hotspot we, we gave the suggestion along with this:

1. Activate the use enkripsi WEP and WPA, the use was so that not just anyone could enter, with this system of each computer had the speaking authority with the it’s fellow member worgroup, outside the member “no entry”, WEP and WPA also mampu pacified from the act”tapped”the data traffic in the network wifi you, so the data -the data like username, paaword, the account of the bank, the love letter etc., God Willing could be safe, better activate WEP in the level security that the example maximum 128 bit, and the substitute it’s password periodically, the example 3-4 days very much.

5. The last, often read in the internet to sites that discussed security, who knew was bug in driver your access point, like that just-barupf this happened in driver wifi notebook the Apple make that could in attack in a manner re-beads, when necessary update your firmware device wifi, but be careful update firmware could cause the risk of equipment damage, looked for information beforehand.

2. Hide Service Set Id (SSID) in your Access Point, because with open SSID, then was easy to be found by the other person that did scanning the network wifi, so this person had the bad intention to hack your hotspot you, do be carefull !!

3. Register MAC address of your computer/laptop client, in fitur MAC Address Filtering in your access point, so that the other company that want to accessed hotspot you could be blocked.

4. Scan your network class, who knew, there is other ip address that was foreign that was accessing or residing in your network, because that used ip address static, don’t be dynamic, it would also be better if used ip address that was different between point access and and the local your network/gateway

Selasa, 13 Mei 2008

How To Power Up Edimax 7206APg

Edimax, was known as accesss point economical, but was acknowledged competent and stable, very much was suitable to be used as radio outdoor. In the opportunity this time, we will analyse the increase in the Edimax achievement by means of upgraded firmware, with used firmware the third party, that is firmware belonging to Ultra WAP, you could find link download him in:


To update firmware, was enough to be easy, update firmware in the menu\Upgrade\, don't forget ReSet, after the process update was finished or was successful.

Unfortunately interface of the firmware that was new this not all that attracted, in fact tended empty, but was 2 fitur just in the part\Advanced Setting\, in part:

1.Tx Power, to your menu could increase Tx power from Edimax, but don't misjudge was increasingly small he thought in this column, then increasingly big power that was spent, smallest 25%, and biggest 100%, so in the value 25% Tx increase power in the maximal position and will increase very drastic, in test this time I compared him with firmware original and firmware just was Ultra WAP, used tool Netstumbler, results:

Ultra WAP Tx Power vapour 25% = 50
Ultra WAPTx Power vapour 50% = 49
Ultra WAP Tx Power vapour 75% = 43
Ultra WAP Tx Power vapour 90% = 40
Ultra WAP Tx Power vapour 100% = 37
Firmware Original Edimax the version 1,26 of = 43
behind the sign (=) was the measurement of the strength of the signal

Was seen by you personally above, the increase that was produced quite very drastic, but as a result, Edimax radio equipment also hotter, be careful if you used him in the level power highest, added the fan or fan in addition if using him continually.

2. Fitur that was second was fitur WMM, this was fitur QoS (Quality of Service) that was useful to increase the achievement of the transfer of the multimedia data (the Video) and VOIP (the voice). Was like this the book review this time, in fact had several firmware just for Edimax, was discussed by us in the future, OK?