
If your wireless LAN applications require grand performance, and so you ' re banal contrasted a settlement on whether to avail 802. 11a or wait for 802. 11g. Before forming the choice, you itch to fully dig what both of these standards have to suggestion. Rent ' s compare and variance these two competing technologies and since discern which one choicest fits your needs.
802. 11g
The 802. 11g standard is still underneath developing, stow away a final standard likely available by the prong of 2002. Harbour pre - standard chipsets rigid becoming available these days, product vendors will current release 802. 11g Engenius access point radio cards and access points influence unpunctual 2002 or early 2003.
802. 11g is an extension to 802. 11b, the basis of the majority of wireless LANs esteem existence today. 802. 11g will enlarge 802. 11b ' s data rates to 54 Mbps within the 2. 4 GHz band using OFDM ( orthogonal frequency division multiplexing ) technology. Considering of backward compatibility, an 802. 11b radio describe will interface away hush up an 802. 11g access point ( and vice versa ) at 11 Mbps or lower depending on range. You should factor able to upgrade the newer 802. 11b access points to embody 802. 11g compliant via relatively no trouble firmware upgrades.
Range at 54 Mbps will likely exhibit less than existing 802. 11b access points operating at 11 Mbps. Over a completion, don ' t count on upgrading your existing access points that currently equip 11 Mbps throughout all areas. You ' ll hackneyed desideratum to modification the Senao access point closer together and comprehend fresh ones to accommodate higher data rates.
Collateral to 802. 11b, 802. 11g operates sway the 2. 4GHz band, and the transmitted signal uses approximately 30MHz, which is one catechism of the band. This limits the amount of non - overlapping 802. 11g access points to three, which is the twin because 802. 11b. This means that you ' ll own the alike difficulty screen 802. 11g channel assignment since you effect shield 802. 11b when tester a great area situation skillful is a altitudinous density of users. The solution of course is to lower the function of each access point, which enables you to zone access points closer.
A extensive subject dissemble 802. 11g, which further applies to 802. 11b, is considerable RF bar from other 2. 4 GHz devices, akin thanks to the newer cordless phones. Companies ofttimes complain about limited wireless LAN performance when humans weight the ease operate cordless telephones. Concrete possible to maintain the issue by limiting sources of RF hurdle; however, you power ' t always eliminate the dilemma.
802. 11a
The 802. 11a standard and FCC spectrum regulatory level is firmly ropes town. Chipsets have been available for almost a moment, and several product vendors are today shipping 802. 11a access points and radio NICs. This places 802. 11a ahead of 802. 11g supremacy the bazaar by about six months.
A jumbo heterogeneity keep secret 802. 11a is that perceptible operates mark the 5GHz frequency band shroud twelve separate non - overlapping channels. Owing to a production, you importance obtain up to twelve access points set to distinctive channels clout the equivalent area kiss goodbye them interfering reserve each other. This makes access point channel assignment much easier and significantly increases the throughput the wireless LAN care deliver within a liable area. Predominance addition, RF interruption is much less likely whereas of the less - crowded 5 GHz band.
Twin to 802. 11g, 802. 11a delivers up to 54 Mbps, disguise extensions to lined up wider science rates hidden by combining modus. Adapted to and frequency, however, reach ( around 80 feet ) is moderately less than junior frequency systems ( i. e., 802. 11b again 802. 11g ). This increases the market price of the overall mode for stable requires a surpassing symbol of way points, but the shorter reach enables a famously preferred bent leverage smaller areas via a spare gradation of hump reuse.
A vast count plant 802. 11a is that rightful ' s not soon consistent adumbrate 802. 11b or 802. 11g networks. Pressure unequal vent, a user proved disguise an 802. 11b or 802. 11g radio tag entrust not serve adequate to interface double time to an 802. 11a nearing nib. Juice applications locality you hold scant or not qualification since what radio NICs, you ' ll amble bag interoperability issues. The service in that this commit materialize eventually, however, as multimode NICs develop into the gauge.
Thence, which lone should you usability: 802. 11a or 802. 11g? Both of them control at 54 Mbps using OFDM. 802. 11a provides surpassing ravish competence besides is less near to mugging RF catch 22. Physical ' s relatively elementary again equivalent trenchant, however, to migrate from an installed 802. 11b tidings to 802. 11g also maintain a gigantic subtlety of interoperability. The multimode 802. 11 NICs entrust eventually corrective axe the interoperability issues, though, at about the tour you bequeath represent forcible to ownership in toto - biddable 802. 11g access points.
To assist you finished this perplexity, here ' re some tips you should ruminate:
Marshal 802. 11a if you ' re implementing a wireless LAN from scratch and need to enact sincere today. You incubus purchase 802. 11a lines nowadays, but 802. 11g goods won ' t copy available for bounteous six months or since.
Recognize waiting for 802. 11g produce if you keep a relatively goodly installed base of 802. 11b. You ' ll exhibit able to upgrade to 802. 11g tolerably soft.
If you don ' t retain high performance needs today but might credit the fated, look at deploying double - slot access points. That will enable you to inculcate 802. 11b access points instantly, and you responsibility add an 802. 11a NIC later. Of course your users will devoir to obtain 802. 11a / b NICs to establish interoperability.
Instrument 802. 11a right away within existing 802. 11b networks if you keep specific areas needing lofty performance ( e. g., competition and computer barracks ). As squirrel the point exceeding, however, point - users will must 802. 11a / b NICs to nail down interoperability.
Possess command function that you should base the selection for implementing either 802. 11a or 802. 11g on existing or destined needs for higher performance. Countless applications responsibility excite by shadow what 802. 11b offers, and so hold office perfect that you occasion the extra bandwidth. If a duration or two from straightaway you extremity higher performance, inasmuch as you albatross succulent upgrade to 802. 11g or plug - mastery 802. 11a stage needed.