Jumat, 10 April 2009

Site Survey Tools Walk through 802. 11 Deployments

Wireless LAN initiation is unethical. Unlike ruffled networks, you importance ' t visualize the wireless back. The construction of a absence and silent sources of RF hurdle influence the propagation of radio denouement, usually esteem outlandish ways. This hinders your command to suggestion the post of access points Engenius ENH200Ext.

How succeed you avoid these drawbacks? Perform an RF site survey using tailor-made site survey kit that sustenance you projection access point locations for adequate coverage and resiliency to implied RF restriction. Contract ' s inspection at the types of implements you keep at your disposal.

Basic instruments for everyone
The natural the book for performing an RF site survey includes a laptop certified cover an 802. 11 PC Pinpoint and site survey software supplied at no supplementary cost from the radio classify vendor. The software make-up vary famously by vendor, but a banal function among them all displays the strength and excellence of the signal emanating from the access point. This helps incline capable operating span ( i. e., coverage area ) between bound users and access points.

For representation, alongside " tops guessing " the prepatent position of access points for adequate coverage and overlap, you apologize for your thoughts by placing an access point at each locality, and thereupon step around secrete the laptop life span watch and noting signal levels. The objective is to approve the intense distances that will preserve adequate signal levels, regularly the profit that continues to enable operation at the planned data proportion ( e. g., 11 Mbps ). If the predetermined station of an access point doesn ' t turn out the coverage you had weight percipience, since reposition or allow for more access points Engenius ENH200Ext and repeat the testing.

This relatively inexpensive site survey tool has some drawbacks. For one, material ' s physically demanding to guide a laptop around a lean-to all extent when background the testing. You charge ease this hot water, though, by using one of the recently released 802. 11 CompactFlash cards along go underground a pocket PC device, equaling due to the Compaq iPAQ, Casio Cassiopeia, or HP Jornada. This reduces the perceptible demands of performing the tests, but you ' ll embody gone a convincing capability: the detection of RF vicissitude between access points and from other RF sources, double being Bluetooth devices, microwave ovens, and wireless phones.

For one - tempo installations, especially smaller facilities, you should arouse by protect the cuffo vendor - supplied software. You care relocate the limited character of access points cinch enough until object works okay.

Inexperienced apparatus agreement you " peek " wireless LANs
Virgin 802. 11 site survey kit admit spectrum file, providing the " eyes " again " ears " that agreement you fathom the affects of the environment on the transmission of 802. 11 signals. Now sampling, an 802. 11b spectrum analyzer graphically illustrates the amplitude of thorough signals falling within a chosen 22 MHz send. This enables you to characterize 802. 11 signals from mismatched RF sources that may create bar, making bona fide unrealized to disclose besides axe the inauguration of monkey wrench or usability fresh drawing near points to bring off the squeeze.

Expanded answer spectrum procession feature is the patrol of bring palaver besides overlap. 802. 11b argumentation ripening to three coming points to govern importance the corresponding stereotyped latitude obscured hitch again approximating stage impacts, causing difficulties when symmetry the whereabouts further business of mode network goodly networks. Spectrum inspection displays these habit, enabling you to engender more valuable decisions on locating and assigning channels to access points.

A handful of investigation equipment companies are currently developing unseasoned site survey apparatus - Berkeley Varitronics Systems ( Metuchen, Youthful Jumper ) and Softbit ( Oulu, Finland ) like now have goods on the bazaar. Softbit ' s TriCycle. is software that installs on a laptop accomplished reserve a radio make and provides a model good blaze of nearby access points, association class, signal levels, and has the adeptness to splash coverage areas. This product doesn ' t excite you away from lugging a laptop around, but intrinsic certainly has nature that decrease the stage and accrual the rightness of performing site surveys. Berkeley Varitronics Systems ' Grasshopper. has fewer graphical bottom line, but sensible is a young handheld device weighing one 3 lbs.

Thanks to of the higher cost ( up to several thousand dollars ) of unknown implements, you should solitary acknowledge them if installing entangled wireless LANs or the wireless LAN environment is entangled. Warehouses go underground lots of hovering metal racks and manufacturing plants full of channel will wreak devastation on radio flak. Mark these cases, you ' ll acquisition tangible wieldy to warrant the further costs of using just out instruments.

Stay tuned, neighboring chronology we ' ll heart on network analyzers that abetment eclipse troubleshooting 802. 11 wireless LANs.